Cultural nuances and communication can be a significant roadblock to businesses navigating the globe. Learn about the importance of being culturally intelligent, and how to consider culture in your negotiations abroad.
Any negotiation presents challenges, but there are unique challenges in international business negotiations. It is important that you learn about these challenges before they occur, and then take preventive measures. In this webinar tips and tricks to handle international negotiations will be discussed by providing practical advice.
Our guest speaker is Dr. Jeremy Petranka
Dr. Jeremy Petranka is the Associate Dean of the Master of Science in Quantitative Management Programs at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in Economics from UNC Chapel Hill in 2009, Jeremy worked as a management consultant helping Fortune 100 companies align their information technology to their business strategies. He concentrated heavily on the role of data within the organizations, identifying creative ways to apply data solutions to business goals while balancing the challenges large-scale data initiatives impose. He brings this experience into his role as Associate Dean of Fuqua’s Quantitative Management programs, which are designed to train students to communicate solutions to today’s most important business questions using cutting edge data analytics tools. He also teaches throughout all of Fuqua’s programs, including courses on Managerial Economics, Strategy, and Cross Cultural Leadership. He has been named a Poets & Quants Favorite MBA Professor and 40 Best Professors Under 40 as well as winning teaching awards for Excellence in Teaching in Fuqua’s MBA, Cross-Continent MBA, Weekend Executive MBA, and MMCi programs.
Introduction Evert Jan Schouwstra– World Trade Center Leeuwarden
Presentation Dr. Jeremy Petranka: Negotiating like a global leader
- Q&A
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