A city with a nice combination between a modern Western and a traditional Eastern city with an economic, cultural and historic heart, the city of Istanbul. It is the largest and most popular city of Turkey, where 15 million people live. The city is the 6th most visited city in the world in 2019. The only city in the world that is located in two continents and are connected by the Bosporus Bridge.
During the presentation Mrs. Sefanur Güvercin Hündavi – Foreign Affairs Staff, Mr. Bart van Bolhuis – Consul General and Mr. Caspar van Haaften – CFO Eureko Achmea Turkey gave a comprehensive description of promising sectors in combination with doing business in Istanbul, Turkey.
Istanbul is one of the cities that was given the opportunity by World Trade Center Leeuwarden to present its city as a promising city for international business.
The Netherlands and Turkey are good trade partners, with a trade volume of US$ 8.5 bn is The Netherlands number 10, on the trade partner list. More than 200 Dutch companies such as; Aegon, Enza Zaden, Unilever, Lande and Shell have preceded you and have established themselves in Istanbul.
The dairy, water and clothing industries are popular and upcoming industries in the region. For the Dutch entrepreneur there are many advantages about doing business in Turkey: the labour is cheap, Aligned ambition of Government, businesses and the Turkish people have excellent working ethics and the willingness to find solutions instead of problems. The decline in the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira however, can pose a barrier.
During the first business meeting they appreciate it when a business gift is brought along. The people in Turkey are good at negotiating, so prepare everything well. During appointments it is important to be on time and avoid discussions about religion and politics.
Dutch Business Association Turkey is available since 2014 and promotes bilateral business between The Netherlands and Turkey. They work together with the Dutch Consulate General in Istanbul and the Dutch Embassy in Ankara. WTC Istanbul is one of the organizations that will help foreign companies to settle in Turkey. The experts from Foreign Affairs Department will provide practical support and help with comprehensive advice on every aspect of locating and doing business.
Want to know more about doing business in Istanbul? Take a look at the webinar or contact us.
World Trade Center Leeuwarden supports companies with international ambitions and helps to professionalize export and import by offering knowledge and opening new markets by connecting with potential business partners through its global network.
- Brief introduction by Mr Evert Jan Schouwstra, WTC Leeuwarden
- Presentation by Mr. Mrs. Sefanur Güvercin
Hündavi – Foreign Affairs about WTC Istanbul - Presentation by Mr. Bart van Bolhuis – Consul General about Business opportunities for (Dutch)
companies in Istanbul - Presentation by Mr. Caspar van Haaften – CFO Eureko Achmea Turkey about how to do business –
with cultural aspects - Q&A